Georg Friedrich Haas: 11.000 Saiten (Wien Modern)

Wiener Konzerthaus, Great Hall, Vienna
1. November ’23 | 19:30 1 November ’23 | 19:30

It started with a dream: 50 pianos as one instrument. Georg Friedrich Haas has created a unique sound experience that is coming over us like a force of nature from the depths of the universe. With 11.000 Saiten, Georg Friedrich Haas explores a microtonal space for 50 pianists on just as many pianos and an ensemble.
The result is a unique concert installation. After its premiere at the Bolzano Festival Bozen (1 Aug. 2023), the first follow-up performance with the original version of the composition is part of the 2023 edition of Wien Modern festival: The ensemble of Klangforum Wien, together with 50 pianists from the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (MDW), will perform the thrilling piece for the first time in the Great Hall of the Wiener Konzerthaus (1 Nov. 2023).

MAKING OF: Georg Friedrich Haas and Peter Paul Kainrath in conversation with Bernhard Günther
01.11.2023, 18:30h Wiener Konzerthaus, Wotruba-Salon

Production Wien Modern, Klangforum Wien, Busoni-Mahler Foundation with the kind support of Hailun Pianos | Co-production mdw - University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna

Photo © Ricordi / Harald Hoffman


Georg Friedrich Haas11.000 Saiten für 50 im Raum verteilte Klaviere im Hundertsteltonabstand und Kammerorchester


Klangforum Wien

50 students of the Ludwig van Beethoven Department for Piano in Music Education at mdw ‍

Johannes Marian, Albert Sassmann coordination piano direction

Tim Andersonmusical direction


Commissioned by / With the support of

Exclusive Project Partner: Hailun Piano Co., Ltd.

Technology Partner

