Know How


As part of the "Klangforumpassage" format developed in 2015, Klangforum Wien and Brunnenpassage invited people to make music, listen, experiment and improvise. In addition to chamber music concert performances, workshops for the audience and a special presentation were planned: A group of young refugees worked intensively on a piece of music for a week in the rehearsal room of Klangforum Wien and presented it to a larger audience for the first time.

What Europe is currently experiencing [in 2015] is not a refugee crisis, but a crisis of solidarity. --
With these words, Michael Landau, President of Caritas Austria and member of the Board of Directors of Klangforum Wien, made a very simple statement, which must probably also be understood as a call for collective action.

After an intensive discussion of the possibilities for the most efficient kind of support, Klangforum decided to work on an artistic project with the refugees, which was implemented in the form of concerts, workshops and joint musical projects.

This decision was taken in view of the psychological, mental and spiritual distress of people who are often confined for long periods of time without adequate employment.

As an important sign of collective solidarity, a long-term cooperation with the KunstSozialRaum Brunnenpassage was set up: Since 2007, a diverse programme has been offered in the former market hall at the Brunnenmarkt, which in particular reaches people to whom neither theaters, museums, nor concert halls of this city are accessible. Attendance at all events in the Brunnenpassage is free of charge - but the financial hurdle is not the only reason for not participating in the cultural life of this city. Rather, there are numerous uncertainties and fears - the Brunnenpassage tries to overcome these thresholds through its work.

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As long as humanity unites us, it does not matter what separates us.
Ernst Ferstl

Instrumental lessons
As part of its cooperation with the Brunnenpassage, the Klangforum Wien launched a new activity in 2017.

Musicians of the ensemble offer regular instrumental lessons to refugees in the rehearsal room of Klangforum Wien , with the aim of promoting meaningful and fun leisure activities.

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