Edgar Varèse dreamed of sound-beams with which he sliced through space like no other before him; Webern caught the shaft of light illuminating Rainer Maria Rilke’s diamantine sentence “You make me feel alone”; with his last work Commiato, Luigi Dallapiccola took leave of the most severe rules constraining the creative process; Helmut Lachenmann, on the other hand, demonstrates that, in all these ringing refractions, what it comes down to is always the need for a new departure. This opening concert displays a single blazing horizon of the new.

Leuchtende Horizonte
Wiener Konzerthaus, Mozart Hall, Vienna
September 24, 2023 7:00 PM
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Edgard Varèse Intégrales
Anton Webern Five Pieces for Orchestra op. 10
Anton Webern Two songs for voice and eight instruments op. 8
Anton Webern Five sacred songs op. 15
Anton Webern Four Songs for Voice and Orchestra op. 13
Luigi Dallapiccola Commiato
Helmut Lachenmann Mouvement (–vor der Erstarrung)
Laura Aikin Soprano
Ingo Metzmacher
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