John Zorn trifft Gertrude Stein: „Les Maudits“

Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater, Görlitz
September 7, 2022 7:30 PM

John Zorn emphasizes: "Just as some people are fluent in several languages, I can express myself fluently in several musical genres". In "Les Maudits", according to the title, he traces the "cursed", who have secured their place in cultural history through their impact: "Ubu", "Baudelaires" and "Oviri" are the names of the three parts, alluding to Alfred Jarry's theatrically pre-Dadaist King Ubu, the poetic multiplicity of the poet Charles Baudelaire and the Tahitian-named ceramic sculpture of the "savages" by Paul Gauguin. In Görlitz, these three musical blocks are now linked in terms of content by texts by a brilliant author who experienced and reflected on precisely this core aspect of cursing: Gertrude Stein. She even welcomed Alfred Jarry as a guest in her salon at 27 Rue de Fleurus, where she served cookies à la Baudelaire with the notorious ingredient canabis sativa under original paintings by Gauguin. This scenic reading with music will break down boundaries and combine playful sensuality with discourse, as Zorn himself emphasizes: "And imagination, as Albert Einstein said, counts more than knowledge." So let's set off for new worlds! "Music should be like a journey to the moon," promises Zorn. The Klangforum Wien will realize this journey through sound.


John Zorn Beaudelaires - Oviri


Yaron David Müller-Zach Director

Viola von der Burg Scenic reading


James Baker


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