Wiener Festwochen – Akademie Zweite Moderne: No Excuses Anymore I

ORF RadioKulturhaus, Vienna
June 8, 2024 7:30 PM

The Wiener Festwochen are globalising modernism, rendering it female and plunging it into the infinite expanses of the now. For each of Arnold Schönberg's forgotten and unheard of 50 female composition students, the  Academy Second Modernism invites ten contemporary womxn composers from all over the world to Vienna each year for a period of five years. The goal of the Academy Second Modernism is to significantly increase the visibility of womxn composers. Klangforum Wien is part of the jury and will perform the selected works.

A project by Wiener Festwochen. In cooperation with Arnold Schönberg Center, ORF Radiokulturhaus, Ö1.


Klangforum Wien

Jana Beckmann concept


Monthati Masebe Meraro

Marina Lukashevich LULLABY

Shasha Chen 401 BLOWS (WP)

Feliz Anne Reyes Macahis tínig

Du Yun Where we lost our shadows


Katharina Wincor


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